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Function programming in Java 17

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Người đăng: Do Nhu Vy

Theo Viblo Asia

Functional interfaces:

Interface Method Return type
Supplier<T> get() T
Consumer<T> accept(T) void
<BiConsumer<T, U> accept(T, U) T
Predicate<T> test(T) boolean
BiPreidcate<T, U> test(T, U) boolean
Function<T, R> apply(T) R
BiFunction<T, U, R> apply(T, U) R
UnaryOperator<T> apply(T) T
BinaryOperator<T> apply(T, T) T

For setting development for Java 17, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70083274/java-17-java-invalid-source-release-7-with-enable-preview-preview-language/70083285#70083285

Use Supplier

package org.example; import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.function.Supplier; public class App { public static void main(String[] args) { Supplier<LocalDate> localDateSupplier = LocalDate::now; Supplier<LocalDate> localDateSupplier1 = () -> LocalDate.now(); LocalDate localDate = localDateSupplier.get(); LocalDate localDate1 = localDateSupplier1.get(); System.out.print("localDate = "); System.out.println(localDate); System.out.print("localDate1 = "); System.out.println(localDate1); } }


localDate = 2021-11-23
localDate1 = 2021-11-23

More complete object

 ArrayList<String> stringArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); stringArrayList.add("Do Nhu Vy"); stringArrayList.add("Nguyen Bich Van"); stringArrayList.add("Nguyen Hong Do"); stringArrayList.add("Nguyen Tien Nam"); Supplier<ArrayList<String>> arrayListSupplier2 = () -> { return stringArrayList; }; ArrayList<String> strings2 = arrayListSupplier2.get(); System.out.print("strings2 = "); System.out.println(strings2);

or other way

 Supplier<ArrayList<String>> arrayListSupplier2 = () -> { ArrayList<String> stringArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); stringArrayList.add("Do Nhu Vy"); stringArrayList.add("Nguyen Bich Van"); stringArrayList.add("Nguyen Hong Do"); stringArrayList.add("Nguyen Tien Nam"); return stringArrayList; }; ArrayList<String> strings2 = arrayListSupplier2.get(); System.out.print("strings2 = "); System.out.println(strings2);


strings = []
strings2 = [Do Nhu Vy, Nguyen Bich Van, Nguyen Hong Do, Nguyen Tien Nam]

How Java virtual machine manage object what is instance of Supplier interface? Try an experiment:

 System.out.print("arrayListSupplier2 = "); System.out.println(arrayListSupplier2);


arrayListSupplier2 = org.example.App$$Lambda$19/_@.com

Implicity way, this is the result of arrayListSupplier2.toString() . Symbol $$ means object exist on memory only, not in hard disk. Exactly, arrayListSupplier2 initialized by a lambda expression as you seen in the below.

Implement Consumer interface

package org.example; import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer; public class SampleConsumer { public static void main(String[] args) { Consumer<String> stringConsumer = System.out::println; Consumer<String> stringConsumer1 = vy -> System.out.println(vy); stringConsumer.accept("Nguyen Bich Van"); stringConsumer1.accept("Tran Phuong Ly"); var map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); BiConsumer<String, Integer> stringIntegerBiConsumer = map::put; BiConsumer<String, Integer> stringIntegerBiConsumer1 = (ke, va) -> map.put(ke, va); stringIntegerBiConsumer.accept("pigeon", 2); stringIntegerBiConsumer1.accept("pig", 4); System.out.print("map = "); System.out.println(map); } }


Nguyen Bich Van
Tran Phuong Ly
map = {pigeon=2, pig=4}

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