Jake and Surma tackle the age-old problem: what should you include in an image's alt text. Chrome Dev Summit website → http://goo.gle/3upQ0DA. Twitter thread → https://goo.
Learn the fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) from the perspective of a web developer. Determine the optimal way to structure and render HTML for bots https://fireship.
Want to build your own peer-to-peer video chat app? WebRTC is a technology that creates a realtime connection between browsers where users can exchange audio/video streams https://fireship.io/lessons/
Use path mapping to avoid fumbling over long relative module imports in your JavaScript code. Just create a JSconfig.json file in VS Code, or use an existing TSconfig. .
How do I become a web developer? IMO, the best way to learn web development is to build something meaningful, over and over again. 2. Fail trying to build it. 3.
How well do you know how the back button works (and other session history related things)? Jake has written an impossible quiz based on some of the weirdest browser behavior he's seen recently. Will S