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Top Reasons Why the Internet of Things Will Shape Mobile App Development

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Người đăng: kencharles

Theo Viblo Asia

The Internet of Things is the future of the world. It's a broad term that can often get confusing, but if you break it down, IoT is just about anything with a chip in it and that does something. That "something" could be collecting data or powering a system or device.

IoT mobile app development will become an inseparable part of our lives. It will not only change how we perceive and use services, but also force us to rethink the way we design them.

1) Increased Speed: Due to the IoT architecture, apps can connect directly to resources and pull information without any human intervention whatsoever.

2) Reduced Costs: IoT-enabled apps will reduce costs by eliminating infrastructure and maintenance needs, which in turn reduces operational expenditures for IT departments too.

3) Improved Security: Most importantly, all these benefits are accomplished without sacrificing security - that’s because user devices are always on standby for connection with sensors.

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