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[CSS] Selectors

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Người đăng: Vivian

Theo Viblo Asia

Quick review about CSS selectors

  • There are 5 categories of CSS selectors
  1. Simple selectors - based on name, id, class
  2. Combinator selectors - based on elements' relationship
  3. Pseudo-class selectors - based on state
  4. Pseudo-elements selectors - selects and style a part of an element
  5. Attribute selectors - based on an attribute or attribute value

I. Simple selectors

Selector Example Description
#id #main-heading Selects elem with id="main-heading"
.class .container Selects all elem with class="container"
element.class div.container Selects only div elems with class="container"
* - universal selector * Selects all elems
element p Selects all <p> elems
element, element div, p Selects all <div> and <p> elems

II. Combination selectors

1. Child selectors

  • Select direct child: body > ol
  • Select child and grandchild using whitespace: body li

2. Adjacent selector using +

  • Selects element which comes directly after another element.
  • Selects p element which comes after h1: h1 + p

3. Sibling selector using ~

  • Selects all elements which comes after an element
  • Selects all p elements which comes after h1: h1 ~ p

III. Pseudo-class selectors: selector:pseudo-class-keyword{style}

  • Display state
pseudo-class-keyword Description
:fullscreen Matches elem is currently in fullscreen mode
:modal -
:picture-in-picture -
  • Input
pseudo-class-keyword Description
:autofill Matches an input tag is autofilled
:enable -
:disable -
:read-only -
:read-write -
:placeholder-shown Matches an input elem which displays placeholder text
:default -
:checked Matches checkboxes and radio btn are checked
:interminate -
:blank -
:valid -
:invalid -
:in-range -
:out-of-range -
:required -
:optional -
:user-invalid -
  • Behavioral - user action
pseudo-class-keyword Description
:hover Matches when the mouse is pointing to an item
:active Matches when the item is clicked
:visited Matches when the link is visited
:focus Matches when an elem has focus
  • Structural
pseudo-class-keyword Description
:only-child Matches elem which has no siblings
:first-child Matches elem which is the first of its siblings
:last-child Matches elem which is the last of its siblings
:first-of-tytpe Matches elem which is the first of its siblings and matches a specific type
:last-of-type Matches elem which is the last of its siblings and matches a specific type
:nth-child(number/even/odd/formular ex: 2n +1 ) Using formula to select elems from a list of sibling elems
:nth-last-child(number/even/odd/formular ex: 2n +1 ) Using formula to select elems from a list of sibling elems, counting backwards
:nth-of-type Using formula to select elems from a list of sibling elems matching a specific type
:nth-last-type-of Using formula to select elems from a list of sibling elems matching a specific type, couting backwards
  • Functional
pseudo-class-keyword Example Description
:is(selectors) :is(ol,ul) Matches elems which matches any of the selectors provided in the list
:not(selectors) :not(:placeholder-shown) Selects elems which dont match a list of selectors
:where(selectors) :where(ol, ul) Same as :is but :where has 0 specificity so its easy to be override by simple selector
:has(relative selectors) h1:has( + p) Selects parent elem or prev sibling elems ( Selects and applies style on h1 which is followed by p

IV. Pseudo-elements selectors selector::pseudo-element{style}

pseudo-element-keyword Description
::after Creates a pseudo elem which is the last child of the selected elem
::before Creates a pseudo elem which is the first child of the selected elem
::first-letter Applies style on the first letter of the first line of block-level elem
::first-line Applies style on the first line of block-level elem
::placeholder Applies style on the placeholder text of elem
::selection Applies style on the elem which is highlighted by user

V. Attribute selectors using []

  • Selects a tag which has a title: a[title]
  • Selects a tag which its title value is click me: a[title="click me"]
  • Selects div tag which has one of classes named container: div[class~="container"]
  • Selects a tag which its href attr ends with html : a[href$="html"]
  • Selects a tag which its href attr starts with http: a[href^="http"]

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