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[DATABASE - MONGO] Introduction to MongoDB

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Người đăng: Vivian

Theo Viblo Asia

I. Introduction

  • MongoDB is an open source NoSQL database management, designed to store a large scale of data and allows to work with data efficiently. (high performance, high availability and easy scalability)
  • MongoDB is written in C++.
  • It uses collections and documents to store data instead of using tables like traditional relational databases.
  • Data is stored in json format called bson.
  • MongoDB allows users to save nested documents.

1. Database

  • Database is a physical container for collections.
  • A MongoDB server can have multiple databases.

2. Collection

  • A collection is a set of MongoDB documents, it is the equivalent of an RDBMS table.
  • Collections do not enforce a schema which means documents in the same collection can have different fields.
  • Documents in the same collection have the related purpose.

3. Documents

  • Document is a set of key-value pairs.
  • It has flexible schema (they dont need to have the same sets of fields or structure).
  • Documents' common field can hold different data types.

4. Example of document

{ _id: ObjectId(7df78ad8902c) name: 'Vivian', gender: 'female', abilities: ['reading', 'speaking', 'eating'], friends: [ { name:'Ann', gender: 'female', }, { user:'Irene', gender: 'female', } ]

5. Comparision of RDBMS and MongoDB structure

Database Database
Table Collection
Row Field
Table Join Embedded documents
Primary key default key _id auto-created by MongoDB

II. Installation & setup

  • Open the msi file when the download is completed and click next button.

  • Accept the End-USer License and click next.

  • Click complete.

  • Copy link of Data Directory and click next.

  • Click next then install MongoDB and wait for the process to complete.

  • Click finish to complete installation process.

  • Go to path C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\your-version\bin where MongoDB installed and copy this path.

  • Create an environment variable.

    • open system properties > select environment variables

    • choose Path and click Edit

    • Click New > Paste the copied path > OK.

  • Open C drive and create folder data and its sub folder db then open command prompt and run mongod command. If data is shown, that means the MongoDB run successfully.

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