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[DATABASE - MONGO] Working with MongoDB Shell

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Người đăng: Vivian

Theo Viblo Asia

I. Introduction

  • mongo shell is an interactive JS interface to MongoDB.
  • mongo shell uses commands to perform direct operations to the database such as query, update, etc...

II. Commands to work with mongo shell

1. Basic commands

  • Open Command Prompt > type mongo command to open mongo shell.
  • show dbs : shows all database you have.
  • use databaseName: switches to the database if it exists, else create new database.
  • db: shows the current database you are using.
  • show collections: shows all collections in the current database.
  • exit: exits the shell.

2. Adding new documents to a collection

  • db.collectionName.insertOne({bson}): inserts one document at a time
  • db.collectionName.insertMany([{bson}, {bson}]): insert many documents at a time
// opens userRelatedInfo database
use userRelatedInfo
// adds user named Vivian to the users collectoin 
db.users.insertOne( { name: "Vivian", sex: "Female" }

3. Finding documents

  • db.collectionName.findOne({}): returns the first document in the collection.
  • db.collectionName.findOne({field: "value", field1: "value"}): returns the first document matching the condition.
  • db.collectionName.find()/find({}): lists the first 20 documents > it for more documents.
  • db.collectionName.find({field: "value", field1: "value"}): returns all documents maching the condition.
  • db.collectionName.find({condtion},{fieldName: 1, fieldName: 1}): returns documents maching the condition, arg2 to specified which field can be printed to the shell.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("64e13bdf6847f9e80d312d29"), "name" : "Vivian", "sex" : "Female", "rank":10 } // finds user with name Vivian and only display her rank
db.users.find({"name": "Vivian"}, {rank: 1, _id: 0})

4. Sorting and limiting data

  • db.collectionName.find(condition).count(): returns the number of matching documents.
  • db.collectionName.find(condition).limit(number): prints only a number of document based on number specified.
  • db.collectionName.find(condition).sort({field: number}): sorts the matching documents based on number specified, if number > 1, field is sorted in ascending order. if number < 1, it sorts in decending order.

5. Complex query with operators

  • $gt, $lt, $lte, $gte
// finds all users whoes age is greater than 18
db.users.find( { "age": { $gt: 18 } } )
  • $or
// matches users whose age is 18 or 19
db.users.find( {$or: [{age: 18}, {age: 19}] })
  • $in: matches in range
  • $nin: not matches in range
// matches users whose age is between 18-20
dbdb.users.find({ "age": {$in: [18,19,20]} })
// matches users whose age is less than 18 and greater than 20
dbdb.users.find({ "age": {$nin: [18,19,20]} })
  • $inc: increases value
  • $pull: takes out a value of an array
  • $push: adds a new value to an array
  • $each: loops

6. Deleting documents

  • db.collectionName.deleteOne({field: value}): deletes the first document matching the condition.
  • db.collectionName.deleteMany({condition}): deletes all documents matching the condition.

7. Updating documents

  • db.collectionName.updateOne({name: "Vivian"}, {$set: {name: "Vivian Vu", rank: 8}}): finds the first document matching the condition then updates its value based on arg2.
  • db.collectionName.updateMany({condition},{$set: {field1: newVal, field2, newVal}}): finds all matching documents then updates their values based on arg2.

III. Nested documents

1. Example

{ name: "Wimpy Kid", author: { lastname: "Kinney", firstname: "Jeff" , } genre: ["Comedy", "Fiction"], reader: [ {name: "Vivian", age: 18}, {name: "Irene", age: 20} ]

1. Querying arrays

  • { field : value } : value is the exact array to match, including the order of the elements.
  • { array field: { operator1: value1, ... } }
// dress collection colors: ['red', 'black'] // height collection heights: [10, 15.25] // match an array with exact order
db.dress.find({colors:['red','black']}) // match an array without exact order 
db.dress.find({colors: {$all: ['red','black'] }}) // query an array for an element
db.dress.find({colors: 'red' })
db.heights.find({ heights: {$gt: 10, $lt:12}}) // query an array by array length
db.heights.find({ heights: {$size: 3}})

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