Tag HTTP203

Tìm kiếm bài viết trong Tag HTTP203

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Scroll-Linked Animations with ScrollTimeline and ViewTimeline | HTTP 203

Bramus shares his excitement for Scroll-Linked Animations that are powered by nothing but HTML and CSS. JavaScript option that integrates with WAAPI also included.

0 0 22

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How rotate(0) fixed my transform animation | HTTP 203

Jake and Bramus chat about transform animations, in particular how `rotate(0)` can behave differently to `none`. Demo → https://goo.gle/3RQGTXb . .

0 0 25

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A love letter to DOMPoint and DOMMatrix | HTTP 203

Jake shares his love for DOMPoint and DOMMatrix, two little-known APIs that are useful for visual effects. DOMPoint → https://goo.gle/3CdWxaE . DOMMatrix → https://goo.

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It's viewports all the way down | HTTP 203

Bramus schools Jake about all the viewports that exist in the browser. If you've had layout issues with position fixed, vw units, or height:100%, this episode will probably explain why.

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Magic tricks with the HTML parser | HTTP 203

Jake and NEW GUEST (for the next few episodes) Bramus chat about strange behaviors in the HTML parser. Should it be more strict? And, how you can get access to the streaming parser with JavaScript, to

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DOM ready events considered harmful | HTTP 203

Jake and Cassie (still from off of Greensock) talk about DOM ready events, which can slow down your app in unexpected ways. But what are the alternatives. readyState → https://goo.gle/3d3KS13 .

0 0 26

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Demystifyingish SVG paths | HTTP 203

Cassie Evans (from Greensock) chats to Jake about SVG paths, and what that mess of letters and numbers actually means. . More videos in the HTTP 203 series → http://goo.gle/HTTP203.

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FLIP animations | HTTP 203

Cassie Evans from GreenSock walks through FLIP – a great animation technique for transitioning between states, and also a terrible backronym (yes, Jake writes these descriptions). .

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The history API is dead. Long live the navigation API | HTTP 203

In this episode, Cassie (from Greensock) and Jake (not from Greensock) sit down to chat about the new Navigation API, which replaced the old and busted History API. The demo → https://goo.

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Samsung Internet - the why & how | HTTP 203

Ada Rose Canon from Samsung Internet chats to Jake about why Samsung Internet exists, and how it differs from other Chromium browsers. . More videos in the HTTP 203 series → http://goo.gle/HTTP203.

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Is .css a bad idea? Is inlining the way forward? | HTTP 203

Ada (from Samsung Internet) and Jake (not from Samsung Internet) chat about issues with managing CSS, and whether external resources make it harder to build performant sites. Issues with HTTP/2 PUSH →

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What key was pressed? (You won't believe how keyboard events work) | HTTP 203

Jake challenges Ada (from Samsung Internet https://developer.samsung.

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Building VR and AR experiences using HTML | HTTP 203

In this episode Ada Rose Cannon from Samsung Internet comes in to chat about VR and AR web standards, and how you can build immersive experiences using markup. Samsung Internet → https://goo.

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Cross-fading DOM elements | HTTP 203

Turns out it's impossible to cross-fade two DOM elements unless they're opaque. Here's why, and a new feature that could fix it. Alpha compositing → https://goo.gle/3mUHaLY .

0 0 25

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Generating your color palette in CSS | HTTP 203

In this video, Surma and Jake pick up the topic of Color Spaces again, because there’s more to talk about. Device capabilities, perceptually uniform color spaces, color mixing and contrast calculation

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The Zombie DOM - old DOM stuff that still haunts us today | HTTP 203

Jake and Surma chat about 'features' of yesterday that still get in our way today. You might have encountered some of them before, but here's why they're weird.

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Bringing bounce and elastic easing to CSS | HTTP 203

You can ease-in, you can ease-out, but CSS doesn't let you bounce. Jake and Surma chat about a proposal to fix that. The thread from 2016 to now → https://goo.gle/3cYR0Hs .

0 0 25

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Yes, we use a Joy-Con to change slides. Here's how… | HTTP 203

Jake and Surma use a Joy-Con as a slide clicker because they're cheapskates. Here's how it works, and the coding patterns they use.

0 0 16

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Are SPAs better than MPAs? - HTTP 203

Surma and Jake have a discussion, weighing up the benefits and drawbacks between Single Page Apps (SPAs) and Multi Page Apps (MPAs). . More videos in the HTTP 203 series → http://goo.gle/HTTP203.

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Avoiding layout shift by putting the CSS in charge - HTTP 203

Jake and Surma chat about layouts that put the content in charge, vs layouts that put the CSS in charge, and why that difference matters. .

0 0 17

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Color spaces - HTTP 203

In this episode, Surma explains a bit of the history of color spaces (sRGB, CIE XYZ, p3, rec2020, CIE LAB...) and why they are important. Jake asks questions.

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