Tag Numeric_types

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #22 - Interfaces

In this final Golang tutorial of the series, we'll learn about interfaces. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #21 - Saving Files

Learn how to save data to text files in this Golang tutorial. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #20 - Parsing Floats

‍ View this course in full without ads on Net Ninja Pro:. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #19 - Switch Statements

Hey gang, in this Go tutorial you'll learn how to conditionally execute a block of code using a switch statement. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #18 - User Input

Hey gang, in this Golang tutorial we'll see how to get some user input from the terminal and process it. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #17 - Receiver Functions with Pointers

Hey gang, in this Golang tutorial you'll learn how to use receiver functions, using pointers to the type instance -- so we can update the original value. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #16 - Receiver Functions

‍ View this course in full without ads on Net Ninja Pro:. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #15 - Structs & Custom Types

Hey gang, in this tutorial I'll show you how to create custom types in Go using structs. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #14 - Pointers

In this Golang tutorial you'll learn about pointers and how to use them as arguments in functions. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #13 - Pass By Value

Go is a "pass by value" language -- we'll talk about what that means in this Go tutorial. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #12 - Maps

Hey gang, in this Golang tutorial we'll take a look at another data type - maps. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #11 - Package Scope

In this Golang tutorial we'll take a look at the scope of variables in functions in your Go projects. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #10 - Multiple Return Values

Hey gang, in this golang tutorial we'll take a look at how to return multiple values from a function. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #9 - Using Functions

ey gang, in this Go tutorial we'll take a closer look at functions & ow to create our own functions. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #8 - Booleans & Conditionals

Hey gang, in this Golang tutorial we'll take a look at bolleans (true & false) as well as conditional statements (if, else if, else). https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #7 - Loops

Hey gang, in this Go tutorial we'll take a look at Loops in Go. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #6 - The Standard Library

Hey gang, in this Golang tutorial you'll learn how to import extra packages & functionality for the Go Standard Library. You'll also learn ow to use some functions for the "strings" package and the "s

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #5 - Arrays & Slices

Hey gang, in this Golang tutorial we'll talk about two more types - Arrays & Slices - and the differences between the two. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #4 - Printing & Formatting Strings

Hey gang, in this Go tutorial you'll learn how to use the "fmt" package to print out data to the console & format strings using variables with the Prinf / Sprintf methods. https://netninja.

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #3 - Variables, Strings & Numbers

Hey gang, in this Go tutorial I'll talk about how to declare variables in Go as well as look at three types in detail - strings, ints & floats. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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Go (Golang) Tutorial #2 - Your First Go File

In this Go tutorial we'll walk trough a simple Go file to explain the basics of how Go files & programs work. https://netninja.dev/p/learn-go-golang. .

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