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Part 1 | Full Stack Responsive Movie Website | MERN Project

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Người đăng: Tuat Tran Anh

Hello friends. In this video, we are going to build Fullstack Responsive Movie Website with MERN stack and Themoviedb.

Demo: https://moonflix.vercel.app/

What are the features of this project?

- Sign up / Sign in
- Save movie to Favorite list (Remove favorite item)
- Write review for movie (Delete review)
- Search movies / tv series / people
- Light / Dark theme

What are the technologies in this project?

- Front end
- Create react app
- Material UI
- SwiperJS
- React router v6
- Formik
- Yup
- Axios
- Back end
- Express rest api
- Express validator
- Jsonwebtoken
- Mongoose
- Axios

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trananh2001

Github: https://github.com/trananhtuat




Create React App: https://create-react-app.dev/
Material UI: https://mui.com/
Mongoose: https://mongoosejs.com/
ExpressJS: https://expressjs.com/
Express Validator: https://express-validator.github.io/docs/
React Router: https://reactrouter.com/
Formik: https://formik.org/
Yup: https://github.com/jquense/yup
Axios: https://axios-http.com/
Swiper: https://swiperjs.com/
ThemovieDB: https://www.themoviedb.org
JWT: https://github.com/auth0/node-jsonwebtoken


00:00 - Demo
02:48 - Setup Project
09:45 - Create Axios Client
10:37 - Create TMDB Client
22:55 - Create Models
33:17 - Create Handlers
38:15 - Create Token Middleware
42:15 - User Controller
53:29 - Media Controller
01:05:43 - Favorite Controller
01:11:09 - Person Controller
01:13:34 - Review Controller
01:18:56 - User Route
01:37:26 - Media Route
01:39:39 - Person Route
01:41:02 - Review Route
01:47:05 - Setup Front end Project
01:53:18 - Folder Structure
01:54:10 - Api Service
02:24:16 - Redux Features
02:35:53 - Make Utils
02:37:15 - Configs Theme
02:45:31 - Configs UI
02:51:03 - Configs Menu
02:56:46 - Custom Hooks
02:57:56 - App Layout
03:08:39 - Routing with React Router v6
03:26:17 - Global Loading
03:34:19 - Footer
03:46:38 - Header
04:03:47 - User Dropdown Menu
04:16:29 - End Part 1




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