Tag science

Tìm kiếm bài viết trong Tag science

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how god programmed birds probably

Learn the steps behind Boids Algorithm - an artificial life program that simulates the flocking behavior of birds. . Chat with Me on Discord. .

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10 weird algorithms

Top 10 most interesting algorithms ever created in computer science. Learn how software engineers have innovative techniques to solve real world problems. . Chat with Me on Discord.

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"World-changing" LK-99 Superconductor explained quickly

What is a superconductor? LK-99 claims to be the first room-temperature superconductor, and if true, it could revolutionize the direction of technology for humanity. . Chat with Me on Discord. .

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I literally connected my brain to GPT-4 with JavaScript

I hacked my brain with a compact electroencephalogram (EEG) and connected it to GPT-4 with the OpenAI API. In this crazy tutorial, you'll learn how to use JavaScript to read your brainwaves.

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FORTRAN in 100 Seconds

Fortran is the world's first high-level procedural programming language developed at IBM in the 1950's. It made programming accessible to the average human and is still used today for scientific compu

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This weird skill helps you learn to code faster

Follow the science and learn to code faster with this unexpected skill that can literally increase white & gray matter in the brain. . Studies: . https://www.

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