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Staging Environment And Its Deployments

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Người đăng: Truong Phung

Theo Viblo Asia

1. Staging Environment

A staging environment is a replica of the production environment where applications are tested before going live. It serves as the final testing ground for new features, bug fixes, and integrations.

Key Points:

  1. Physical Deployment:
  • Not Necessarily Physical: A staging environment does not need its own physical deployment but should be isolated from production. This can be done using separate virtual machines, containers, or cloud environments that mimic the production setup.
  • Similar Configuration: It's essential that the staging environment mirrors the production environment as closely as possible in terms of configuration, services, and database schema to ensure accurate testing.
  1. Separate Git Branches:
  • Branching Strategy: It is common to use separate Git branches for staging. A common practice is to have a development (or dev) branch where active development occurs and a main (or master) branch for production-ready code.
  • Staging Branch: Some teams also create a dedicated staging branch to facilitate the deployment of features that are ready for testing but not yet ready for production. This allows for easier management of what is being tested without affecting the main development or production branches.
  • Pull Requests: Code changes can be merged into the staging branch for testing before being merged into the main branch for production.

A staging environment does not necessarily require its own physical deployment but should be isolated from production and configured similarly. It's often beneficial to use separate Git branches for development, staging, and production to manage code changes and ensure a smooth deployment process.

2. The Physical Deployments

In practice, many organizations do use three separate Kubernetes (K8s) clusters for development, staging, and production environments. Here’s a brief explanation of this approach:

Using Three Kubernetes Clusters

  1. Development Cluster:

    • Purpose: A development cluster is used by developers to test new features, run experiments, and debug code.
    • Isolation: It allows developers to work independently without affecting other environments.
  2. Staging Cluster:

    • Purpose: The staging cluster mimics the production environment and is used for final testing before deployment.
    • Integration Testing: It helps ensure that new code integrates well with existing systems and meets quality standards.
  3. Production Cluster:

    • Purpose: This cluster runs the live application and serves actual users.
    • High Availability: It is configured for reliability, scaling, and security to handle production traffic.

Benefits of Separate Clusters

  • Isolation: Each environment is isolated from the others, reducing the risk of unintended consequences or downtime during development and testing.
  • Consistency: Having similar configurations and setups across clusters helps ensure that what works in staging will also work in production.
  • Resource Management: It allows for better resource allocation and management specific to the needs of each environment.


  • Cost: Running three separate clusters can increase infrastructure costs. Some organizations might choose to share clusters (e.g., having dev and staging on the same cluster) to optimize resources.
  • Complexity: Managing multiple clusters adds complexity, requiring robustCI/CD pipelines and operational practices.

3. Conclusion

While it's common for organizations to use three separate Kubernetes clusters for development, staging, and production, the actual implementation can vary based on factors like budget, team size, and specific use cases.

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