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Top 5 Metrics to Speed Up Your E-commerce Website

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Người đăng: jarred

Theo Viblo Asia

When it comes to e-commerce websites, the need for speed is even more critical. Research shows that even a one-second delay can lead to reduced conversions and customer dissatisfaction. To ensure your e-commerce website remains competitive and user-friendly, you must pay attention to key metrics that can help you speed up your site.

1. Page Load Time

Page load time is perhaps the most crucial metric for your e-commerce website's speed. It measures how quickly your web pages load for visitors. Studies have repeatedly shown that users expect web pages to load in two seconds or less. Anything beyond that can lead to increased bounce rates and lost sales.

To improve page load time, consider Google Page Speed Optimizer for Magento 2. It enhances the performance of your online store through code and image optimization techniques. This translates into delivering a swifter browsing experience for your customers, elevating your Core Web Vitals score, and achieving improved rankings in Google search results.

2. Mobile Page Speed

As mobile devices continue to dominate online shopping, optimizing your e-commerce website for mobile is essential. Mobile page speed, specifically, focuses on how quickly your site loads on smartphones and tablets.

To boost mobile page speed, adopt these strategies: Implement responsive design for seamless adaptation to diverse screen sizes, reduce intrusive pop-ups and interstitials to enhance mobile user experience, enable Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to provide quicker-loading page versions for mobile users, and employ CSS and JavaScript file compression to decrease load times on mobile devices.

3. Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Time to First Byte measures the time it takes for the server to respond to a user's request. A fast TTFB is crucial because it impacts the entire loading process of your e-commerce website.

To reduce Time to First Byte (TTFB), you can take several measures. Firstly, consider investing in top-tier hosting services from a trusted provider. Secondly, optimize server-side scripts and database queries to minimize processing delays. Lastly, implement server-side caching mechanisms to swiftly deliver frequently requested content, thereby enhancing your website's overall performance.

4. Render-Start Time

Render-start time is the moment when the browser starts to display content on the user's screen. A quick render-start time can give the perception of a faster website, even if other elements are still loading.

To expedite render-start time, it's essential to prioritize the loading of crucial above-the-fold elements like product images and vital text. Additionally, mitigating the impact of render-blocking JavaScript and CSS resources, which can otherwise hinder the rendering process, is crucial. Employing asynchronous loading for non-essential scripts further contributes to optimizing the rendering performance of your web pages.

5. Conversion Rate

While not a direct performance metric, conversion rate is a crucial indicator of your e-commerce website's success. A faster website often leads to higher conversion rates because it provides a better user experience, reduces cart abandonment, and encourages repeat purchases.

To increase conversion rates through speed, it's essential to maintain ongoing vigilance by regularly monitoring the aforementioned metrics to keep your website fast. Implement A/B testing to pinpoint performance enhancements that yield positive conversion outcomes and prioritize mobile optimization to tap into the expanding pool of mobile-centric online shoppers.


Speed is a vital aspect of your e-commerce website's success. By regularly monitoring and optimizing these five key metrics—page load time, mobile page speed, time to first byte, render-start time, and conversion rate—you can enhance the user experience, increase customer satisfaction, and drive higher sales for your online store. Remember that the digital landscape is ever-evolving, so staying vigilant and proactive in optimizing your site's speed will keep you ahead of the competition.

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