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View Hierarchies in Android

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Người đăng: Trần Quang Huy

Theo Viblo Asia

When developing an Android application, one of the primary goals is to ensure that your app runs smoothly, responds quickly, and consumes minimal system resources.

This is particularly important in a highly competitive market where user experience is often judged by the smoothness and speed of the application.

In this article, we will discuss how to optimize the performance of your Android app by improving the view hierarchies.

What are View Hierarchies?

View hierarchies in Android refer to how user interface elements are organized and displayed on the screen.

Each view (such as TextView, Button) and view group (such as LinearLayout, ConstraintLayout) plays a crucial role in displaying the user interface. The performance of the application heavily depends on the view hierarchies, as the process of measuring and drawing views can consume significant resources.

When your app displays an interface, Android has to measure, arrange, and draw each view. If these hierarchies are too complex or have too many nested layers, rendering the interface will be slower, reducing the smoothness of the application.

Why Do View Hierarchies Affect Performance?

Measurement and Layout: When Android measures the size and position of each view, having too many nested layers makes this process more complex and time-consuming.

Drawing: After measuring and arranging, Android draws each view. More views mean more drawing operations, which can slow down rendering.

Handling Touch Events: Touch events (such as taps, swipes) need to be distributed and processed by the appropriate views. A deep hierarchy can slow down this process.

Memory Usage: A large view hierarchy consumes more memory, which can lead to frequent garbage collection, causing interruptions in the application.

How to Optimize View Hierarchies?

Flatten the Hierarchy: Simplify the view hierarchies by reducing the number of nested view groups. For example, instead of using multiple nested LinearLayouts, consider using ConstraintLayout, which can create complex layouts without deep nesting.

Reuse Views: Use RecyclerView instead of ListView or ScrollView with dynamically created views. RecyclerView is more efficient because it reuses item views that are no longer visible, reducing the number of views that need to be created.

Use ViewStub: For views that are not always needed, use ViewStub. This is a lightweight view that is only inflated (initialized) into a full view hierarchy when needed, saving resources and improving load times.

Optimize Custom Views: If you need custom views, ensure they are optimized. Override onMeasure, onLayout, and onDraw methods efficiently, avoiding unnecessary calculations and object allocations.

Use Analysis Tools: Use tools like Android Profiler and Systrace to analyze the performance of the view hierarchies. These tools help identify bottlenecks and areas needing improvement.

Asynchronous Layout Inflation: For complex layouts, consider inflating views asynchronously to avoid blocking the main thread. Libraries like AsyncLayoutInflater can help with this.

Useful Tools for Optimization

Layout Inspector: This tool allows you to inspect the view hierarchies of a running application. You can see the view tree and properties of each view, helping to identify unnecessary nesting and complex layouts.

Profile GPU Rendering: This tool shows the time required to render each frame, helping you identify when the view hierarchy causes frame drops.


Optimizing the view hierarchies is a crucial part of improving the performance of your Android application.

By understanding the view hierarchies and applying optimization methods, we can create applications that are not only visually appealing but also efficient and smooth.

For detailed information, please refer to the documentation.

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