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What is a Software Development Lifecycle?

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Người đăng: Sandra Miller

Theo Viblo Asia

Software development is designing, documenting, programming, testing, debugging, and continually maintaining for creating frameworks, applications, and software components. These steps are collectively called a software development lifecycle and form a workflow pipeline that leads to high-quality software outputs.

Always opt for the best software development company for your project; evaluate your app needs and portfolio, and maintain open communication.

The software development lifecycle has many complexities, but generally, it consists of the following steps:

Steps in the Software Development Lifecycle


The discovery phase of software development includes outlining a future product's characteristics and all business and technical aspects. It involves the software development company identifying all potential business and user needs, requirements, and specifications.

Customers are also given a prototype and all the necessary documents to begin the development process—agile methodology aids in directing the project's workflow, and DevOps-style techniques direct the development and operation processes.


At this level, project leaders identify stakeholders (prospective clients, programmers, industry professionals, and sales representatives), set budgets, and evaluate project terms and requisites. This involves estimating material and labor expenses, developing a schedule with specific deadlines and goals, and establishing the project's teams and organizational structure.

Planning should distinctly outline the application's scope and purpose. It charts the team's trajectory and provides everything they need for successful program development. Additionally, it establishes restrictions to prevent the project from escalating or deviating from its initial objective.

Build and Test

Developers write the code and create the software during the building stage, using the design documents and agreed-upon specifications. The actual development process ought to be relatively straightforward, given the extensive planning and outlining that has already taken place.

Developers will use various tools, including compilers, interpreters, and debuggers while adhering to the coding standards established by the business. Standard programming languages include C++, PHP, and others.

The developers will select the best programming language depending on the project's requirements and specifications.

The next step is testing. Testing ensures the identification and elimination of bugs and optimal end-user experience at all times. Developers thoroughly review their software throughout the testing phase, identifying any flaws or defects that need to be tracked, corrected, and retested.

The entire software design comes together after testing. Developers will work to include various modules or designs into the main source code, frequently using training environments to find further problems or errors. Theoretically, the software is now market-ready and can be made available to end users.


When unanticipated events occur, Developers use effective techniques for incident prioritization and quick service resumption. This is known as incident management. In this maintenance mode, developers address the reported concerns and make required modifications to the already deployed software.

This can involve addressing those bugs that could not be corrected before launch or resolving brand-new problems that emerge from user complaints. Compared to smaller systems, larger systems could need more extensive maintenance phases.

If you’re looking to hire software developers for your project, you need to ensure that they observe the issues that they may face during the development cycle.

Common Practices Within the Software Development Lifecycle

Regular Feedback

Developer teams assess each release and produce reports to refine subsequent releases; they get customer feedback regarding the importance and effects of product features and communicate business-related results to stakeholders. Teams can refine their procedures and provide value to consumers by obtaining ongoing feedback.

Testing & Security

Traditional Q&A and initial security features are no longer sufficient for software safety when software applications expand in complexity and scope. Testing should be integrated into the entire software development lifecycle to reduce the number of flaws in software code.

Key Features of Software Development Life Cycle


The agile approach lets teams offer value to their clients more promptly and with fewer difficulties through continuous improvement in software development and project management. The software industry uses agile approaches because they enable teams to be naturally adaptable, well-organized, and equipped to deal with change.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The software can now mimic human decision-making and learning thanks to AI. The ability to deliver goods and services that disrupt markets and outperform the competition is made possible by machine learning, natural language processing, neural networks, and cognitive capabilities.

By looking for vagueness and inconsistencies, unclear actors, negative or incomplete requirements, and missing units or unspecific numbers, AI may help you enhance your product specifications.


The expense and vulnerability imposed by banks and other regulatory authorities are erased by the secure and digitally linked ledger called a blockchain. It transforms businesses by releasing capital, speeding up procedures, cutting transaction fees, and more. Blockchain has widened the scope of software development.


Software developers and IT teams can automate their processes through DevOps. DevOps is a collection of tools, practices, and organizational principles that emphasize technology automation, cross-team communication, and team empowerment.


Software developers must be well-versed in creating data-rich mobile apps that improve user experiences. The detailed digital customer data highlights the trends of customer interaction with brands.

Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD)

Continuous integration means the automatic incorporation of code updates into a software project. It enables developers to amalgamate code changes into a primary database.

By automatically delivering code updates to a testing/production system, continuous delivery enhances continuous integration. The automated builds, tests, and installations are coordinated as part of a single-release workflow known as a continuous delivery pipeline.

Cloud-based Development

Software development organizations turn to the cloud like IT organizations do; to cut costs and optimally manage their resources. Through this method, the cloud acts like a flexible and cost-effective integrated development environment (IDE) or Platform as a Service (PaaS).

These cloud-based environments for development can support testing, design, coding, integration, and other development tasks. Additionally, they can provide access to DevOps, APIs, microservices, and other development tools and services.


The terms microservices architecture and microservices refer to a method of developing applications as a collection of decentralized, independently deployable services. These services are easily manageable, independently deployable, and loosely connected.

Using a microservices architecture, developers can form smaller teams with distinct service specialization, unique stacks, and decoupled deployments.

Types of Software Development

Application Development: Provides ease of task completion for users—examples: office suites, social media tools, media players, and ticket booking systems.

System Software Development: Provides essential functions; examples include operating systems, databases, storage systems, and networks.

Development Tools: Provide software developers with required resources, such as linkers, code editors, debuggers, test harnesses, and compilers.

Embedded Software Development: Produces the software needed to operate machinery and equipment, including cars, smartphones, and robots.

How to Hire Software Developers for Your Project

Hire dedicated developers from Top IT Companies to achieve outstanding results and the highest optimization. Leverage our world-class talent with their out-of-the-box thinking. Choose the right software development company for your software needs and perform due diligence before finalizing your decision.

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