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Blog#125: 🌸バイナリサーチ:データを見つける最も効率的な方法🌸

0 0 21


Theo Viblo Asia


こんにちは、私はトゥアンと申します。東京からフルスタックWeb開発者です。 将来の有用で面白い記事を見逃さないように、私のブログをフォローしてください。






[1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]


function binarySearch(numbers, target) { // Set the start and end of our search let start = 0; let end = numbers.length - 1; // Keep searching until we find the target while (start <= end) { // Find the middle of our search let middle = Math.floor((start + end) / 2); // Check if the middle is the target if (numbers[middle] === target) { return middle; } // If the middle is not the target, then  // check if it is greater or less than  // the target and adjust our search accordingly if (numbers[middle] < target) { start = middle + 1; } else { end = middle - 1; } } // If we don't find the target, then return -1 return -1;


今、バイナリサーチの仕組みがわかったので、自分で試してみませんか? 上のコードを使って、数字のリストから8を見つける例を見てみましょう。

let numbers = [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18];
let target = 8; let index = binarySearch(numbers, target); console.log(index); // 4



// An array of words in a dictionary, sorted alphabetically
const dictionaryWords = [ { index: 1, word: "book" }, { index: 3, word: "computer" }, { index: 7, word: "dictionary" }, { index: 9, word: "elephant" }, { index: 80, word: "flower" },
]; function binarySearch(list, item, filterCondition = (e) => e) { // Get the middle item of the list const middle = Math.floor(list.length / 2); const middleItem = filterCondition(list[middle]); // If the item is the middle item, return it if (item === middleItem) { return list[middle]; } // If the item is less than the middle item, search the first half of the list if (item < middleItem) { return binarySearch(list.slice(0, middle), item, filterCondition); } // If the item is greater than the middle item, search the second half of the list if (item > middleItem) { return binarySearch(list.slice(middle + 1), item, filterCondition); } // If the item is not found, return -1 return -1;
} const word = binarySearch(dictionaryWords, 3, (e) => e.index);
console.log(word); // { index: 7, word: 'dictionary' }








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