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Blog#71: Understanding the Factory Design Pattern in JavaScript 😊 (Series: Master English with Technical Doc)

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Theo Viblo Asia

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Hi, I'm Tuan, a Full-stack Web Developer from Tokyo 😊. Follow my blog to not miss out on useful and interesting articles in the future.

The Factory pattern is a popular design pattern that is used to create objects in a super class, but allow subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created. This is useful when you want to provide a consistent interface for creating objects, but allow for flexibility in the types of objects that are actually created.

In this article, we'll take a look at what the Factory pattern is and how it can be implemented in JavaScript using functional programming. We'll also discuss some of the benefits and drawbacks of using the Factory pattern in your code.

What is the Factory Pattern?

The Factory pattern is a way to create objects in a super class, but allow subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created. This is done by creating a factory method in the super class that takes arguments that determine the specific type of object to be created.

For example, consider a system that needs to create employee objects of different types, such as full-time, part-time, temporary, and contractor. Instead of creating a separate class for each type of employee, you can use the Factory pattern to create a single Employee class with a factory method that takes a type argument and creates the appropriate type of employee object.

Implementing the Factory Pattern in JavaScript In JavaScript, the Factory pattern can be implemented using a function that returns an object with a factory method. The factory method can then be used to create objects of different types, based on the arguments passed to it.

Here's an example of how the Factory pattern might be implemented in JavaScript:

function Factory() { this.createEmployee = function(type) { let employee; if (type === "fulltime") { employee = new FullTime(); } else if (type === "parttime") { employee = new PartTime(); } else if (type === "temporary") { employee = new Temporary(); } else if (type === "contractor") { employee = new Contractor(); } employee.type = type; employee.say = function() { console.log(`I am a ${this.type}, and I get ${this.hourly}/hour`); } return employee; }
} const FullTime = function() { this.hourly = "$12";
}; const PartTime = function() { this.hourly = "$11";
}; const Temporary = function() { this.hourly = "$10";
}; const Contractor = function() { this.hourly = "$15";
}; const factory = new Factory(); const fullTimeEmployee = factory.createEmployee("fulltime");
fullTimeEmployee.say(); // "I am a fulltime, and I get $12/hour" const partTimeEmployee = factory.createEmployee("parttime");
partTimeEmployee.say(); // "I am a parttime, and I get $11/hour"

In this example, the Factory function has a createEmployee method that takes a type argument and creates an employee object based on that type. The createEmployee method uses a series of if statements to determine which type of employee to create, and then sets the hourly property of the employee object based on the type. The say method of the employee object is then used to log a message to the console.

The FullTime, PartTime, Temporary, and Contractor functions are the subclasses that define the specific properties of the employee objects.

Benefits of the Factory Pattern

There are several benefits to using the Factory pattern in your code:

  • Flexibility: The Factory pattern allows for flexibility in the types of objects that can be created, making it easy to add or remove object types as needed.

  • Code reuse: The Factory pattern allows for code reuse, as the same factory method can be used to create objects of different types.

  • Easy to use: The Factory pattern provides a consistent interface for creating objects, making it easy for other parts of the system to use.

Drawbacks of the Factory Pattern

While the Factory pattern has some benefits, it also has a few drawbacks that you should be aware of:

  • Complexity: The Factory pattern can add complexity to your code, as it requires the creation of multiple subclasses and a factory method.

  • Tight coupling: The Factory pattern can create tight coupling between the objects and the factory method, making it more difficult to change or modify the behavior of the objects.

  • Difficulty in testing: The Factory pattern can make it more difficult to test code, as it may be hard to mock or stub the objects for testing purposes.

When to Use the Factory Pattern

The Factory pattern is most useful when you need to create objects of different types, but want to provide a consistent interface for creating them. This might be the case when you have a system that needs to create a variety of objects, but the specific implementation of the objects may change over time.

It's important to keep in mind, however, that the Factory pattern should be used sparingly and only when it is truly necessary. Overuse of the Factory pattern can lead to code that is complex and difficult to maintain and test.


The Factory pattern is a useful tool for creating objects of different types in a super class, while allowing subclasses to alter the specific types of objects that will be created. It provides flexibility and code reuse, but can also add complexity and create tight coupling. It's important to use the Factory pattern only when it is truly necessary and to be aware of its potential drawbacks.

I hope this article has helped you to understand the Factory pattern and how it can be implemented in JavaScript using functional programming. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about design patterns in software development, please don't hesitate to ask!

As always, I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new. Thank you and see you in the next articles!

If you liked this article, please give me a like and subscribe to support me. Thank you. 😊


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