- Sử dụng useSWR để fetch và cache thông tin logged in user
- Cung cấp hàm login, logout
- Tích hợp vào giao diện và test hoàn chỉnh cái flow login / logout
Slide: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1p6EjDFBIk9eeoMfsr9z5ufCbhe1rzU8W?usp=sharing
Made by: Sinh Bùi Đình
Cảm ơn bạn nhiều nhé! ❤️
00:00 Purpose setting useAuth hook
00:40 Duplicate when use in components
01:20 Example create useAuth hook
02:50 Re-Explain options of useSWR
03:56 How to pass options to useSWR
04:40 Handle return elements of hook
05:10 Setting export element
05:50 Explain idea mutate when login, logout
08:20 Use hook login, logout in login page
09:50 Use profile by param return from hook
10:30 Explain how to pass params into hook & revalidateOnMount
11:15 Explain await mutate in hook
13:00 Logout problem and how to trace error
15:50 Example some case can use hook useAuth
17:00 Introduce next video (Protected Pages)
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