What is index in a database?

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Người đăng: Van Linh Intern Solution Architect

Theo Viblo Asia

In a database, a index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on table at the cost of additional storage space and write time. It is similar to a index in a book, which helps you find specific information quickly without scanning throught every page.

1. Key Points about Indexes:

  • Purpose: Indexes are used to make searching and querying faster.Without an index, the database must scan the entire table (called a full table scan) to find relevant rows,which can be slow, especiall with large datasets.
  • Structure: Most indexes are typically implemented using B-trees or hash tables.
  • Primary Indexes:Automatically created when a primary key is defined on a table. This ensures that searching for a record based on the primary key is fast.
  • Secondary Indexes: These are additional indexes you can create on other columns to speed up queries based on those columns (e.g., creating an index on the "email" field of a users table).
  • Trade-offs: Faster reads: Queries that use indexed columns are much faster. Slower writes: Every time data is inserted, updated, or deleted, the indexes must also be updated, which can slow down write operations Space overhead: Indexes take up extra disk space

2. Types of Indexes

Indexes come in different types, each serving a specific purpose:*

* Single-Column Index:

This index is created for a single column in a table. It's useful when queries commonly filter or search based on one specific column CREATE INDEX idx_customer_email ON Customers (email);

* Composite Index (Multi-Column Index):

Indexes that cover multiple columns.This is beneficial when queries often filter or search by a combination of multiple columns.The order of columns in a composite index matters

CREATE INDEX idx_customer_name_email ON Customers (name, email);

* Unique Index:

Ensures that the indexed column(s) contain unique values across all rows. This is commonly used when a column needs to hold only distinct values (e.g., email addresses).

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_unique_email ON Customers (email);

* Full-Text Index:

Use to speed up searches involving large textual data, allowing for efficient keyword based searches. Common in document-heavy applications.

CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX idx_fulltext_bio ON Users (biography);

3. How Indexes Work Internally

B-Tree Indexes:

Most common type. Data is organized in a balanced tree structure, allowing the database to perform fast lookups, inserts, and range queries.

Hash Indexes:

Use hash tables, which are efficient for exact match queries (e.g., finding a row by an exact id), but are not suitable for range queries.

4. Performance Considerations

Read Performance:

Indexes improve read performance significantly by reducing the amount of data the database engine must scan. For example, searching for records based on an indexed column requires the engine to scan the index instead of the entire table.

Write Performance:

While indexes improve read performance, they can slow down write operations (inserts, updates, and deletes). Every time data is modified, the index also needs to be updated, which adds overhead.

Space Consumption:

Indexes take up additional storage space, which can grow significantly for large tables with multiple indexes.

5. When to Use Indexes#

Frequent Queries:

Add indexes to columns that are frequently used in WHERE clauses, JOIN conditions, or sorting (ORDER BY).

Large Tables:

For very large datasets, indexes are crucial to prevent slow query performance.

Avoid Over-Indexing

Adding too many indexes can hurt write performance and consume more disk space. A balance must be found based on the specific query patterns of the application.

6. Index Scans vs. Full Table Scans

Full Table Scan:

The database reads every row in the table, which can be slow for large datasets.

Index Scan:

The database uses an index to quickly locate the relevant rows, avoiding the need to scan the entire table.

7. Monitoring and Optimizing Indexes

Query Execution Plans:

Most databases provide tools to show how a query is executed (e.g., EXPLAIN in MySQL). This can help you understand whether an index is being used.

Index Maintenance:

Indexes can become fragmented over time, which can degrade performance. Regular maintenance (like rebuilding or reorganizing indexes) can help keep them efficient.Regular maintenance (like rebuilding or reorganizing indexes) can help keep them efficient.

8. Best Practices for Indexing

* Start with Primary Keys:

Always ensure that primary keys are indexed.

* Index Columns in WHERE and JOIN Clauses

Frequently queried columns, especially those used in filtering (WHERE) and joining tables (JOIN), should be indexed.

* Avoid Indexing Small Tables:

Small tables don’t benefit much from indexes since the overhead can be more than the gain.

* Consider Column Selectivity

Columns with many distinct values (high selectivity) benefit more from indexes than columns with few distinct values (low selectivity).

9. Examples in Different Databases

Each database system has slightly different syntax and features for creating and managing indexes:


MySQL supports multiple index types, including FULLTEXT and SPATIAL indexes for geospatial data.

CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX idx_content_fulltext ON Articles (content);


PostgreSQL supports advanced index types like GIN (Generalized Inverted Index) and GiST (Generalized Search Tree) for full-text search and geometric data.

CREATE INDEX idxgincontent ON Documents USING GIN (content);*

SQL Server:

SQL Server has features like Clustered Indexes (which store the actual data in the index) and Non-Clustered Indexes.

CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX idx_clustered_id ON Orders (order_id);

10. Real-World Use Cases


Indexing product names, categories, and prices for fast lookup and filtering

Social Networks:

Indexing user profiles by email or username for login and search functionality.

Banking Systems

Indexing customer transactions by account number or transaction date to speed up report generation.

11. Example of Creating an Index in SQL

Suppose you have a table called Customers with columns id, name, email, and phone_number. If you frequently search for customers by their email, you can create an index on the email column to speed up those queries:

CREATE INDEX idx_email ON Customers (email);

Now, any query searching by email will be faster:

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE email = 'example@example.com';

Removing an Index:

If you no longer need an index, you can remove it using:

DROP INDEX idx_email;

12. Book recommendation

Database Optimization Techniques.

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