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Người đăng: Truong Phung

Theo Viblo Asia

Here are some common Docker commands for managing containers, images, networks, and volumes:

1. Docker Container Commands:

  • Run a container:

    docker run -d --name <container-name> <image-name>
    • Runs a container in detached mode (-d) from the specified image.
    • Example: docker run -d --name my-nginx nginx
  • List running containers:

    docker ps
    • Shows all currently running containers.
    • Add -a to list all containers, including stopped ones.
  • Stop a container:

    docker stop <container-id|container-name>
    • Stops a running container.
  • Remove a container:

    docker rm <container-id|container-name>
    • Deletes a stopped container.
    • Use -f to force-remove a running container.

2. Docker Image Commands:

  • Build an image:

    docker build -t <image-name>:<tag> <path-to-dockerfile>
    • Builds an image from a Dockerfile.
    • Example: docker build -t my-app:latest .
  • List images:

    docker images
    • Lists all images available on the host.
  • Remove an image:

    docker rmi <image-id|image-name>
    • Deletes an image.
    • Use -f to force-remove an image if it's being used.
  • Pull an image from a repository:

    docker pull <image-name>:<tag>
    • Downloads an image from Docker Hub or other registries.
    • Example: docker pull ubuntu:latest

3. Docker Network Commands:

  • List networks:

    docker network ls
    • Shows all Docker networks.
  • Create a network:

    docker network create <network-name>
    • Creates a new Docker network.
  • Connect a container to a network:

    docker network connect <network-name> <container-name>
  • Inspect a network:

    docker network inspect <network-name>
    • Shows detailed information about a Docker network.

4. Docker Volume Commands:

  • Create a volume:

    docker volume create <volume-name>
    • Creates a new volume for persistent storage.
  • List volumes:

    docker volume ls
    • Lists all Docker volumes.
  • Remove a volume:

    docker volume rm <volume-name>
    • Deletes a volume.
  • Inspect a volume:

    docker volume inspect <volume-name>
    • Shows detailed information about a volume.

5. Miscellaneous Commands:

  • View container logs:

    docker logs <container-id|container-name>
    • Displays logs from a specific container.
    • Use -f to follow the logs in real-time.
  • Access a running container's shell:

    docker exec -it <container-id|container-name> /bin/bash
    • Starts an interactive shell inside a running container.
    • Example: docker exec -it my-nginx /bin/bash
  • Tag an image:

    docker tag <image-name> <repository>/<image-name>:<tag>
    • Tags an image to prepare it for pushing to a registry.
    • Example: docker tag my-app myrepo/my-app:latest
  • Push an image to a registry:

    docker push <repository>/<image-name>:<tag>
    • Uploads an image to a Docker registry.
  • Prune unused containers, images, networks, and volumes:

    docker system prune
    • Cleans up unused resources.
    • Add -a to remove all stopped containers and unused images.

These commands cover most of the typical operations when working with Docker, such as managing containers, images, and networking.

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