Tag compsci

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Bash in 100 Seconds

Bash is the command line shell that you encounter when you open the terminal on most Unix operating systems, like MacOS and Linux. Learn how to create your own bash scripts to automate tasks on your c

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Why do computers use RGB for colors, and not RBY?

Computer screens use red, green, and blue RGB as pixel colors, but why? They told us in kindergarten that RBY were the primary colors..

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DNS Explained in 100 Seconds

Ever wonder how DNS works? The Domain Name System is one of the most important Internet technologies, but few web developers understand how it actually works behind the scenes. https://fireship.io. .

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Why do computers suck at math?

What is a floating point number? And why does it produce rounding errors for programmers. . Learn something? Keep the content flowing https://github.com/sponsors/codediodeio.

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How a CPU Works in 100 Seconds // Apple Silicon M1 vs Intel i9

Learn how the central processing unit (CPU) works in your computer. Compare performance and processor architecture between the Intel and Apple Silicon M1 chips with @Alexander Ziskind .

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