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Game ran san moi tham khao

0 0 10

Người đăng: IamZeo

Theo Viblo Asia

#include <iostream> using namespace std;


  • Import library */ #include <vector> #include <windows.h> #include <conio.h> #include <cstring> #include <time.h> #include <random>


  • MACRO / #define WIDTH 40 #define HEIGHT 20 #define BODY '' #define APPLE 'O'


  • Enum */ enum class Direction { up, right, down, left };

// Each point is a part of the snake struct Point { int x; int y; };

#pragma region GlobalVariable // Create snake vector

snake = { Point{ WIDTH / 2 + 2, HEIGHT / 2 }, Point{ WIDTH / 2 + 1, HEIGHT / 2 }, Point{ WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2 }, Point{ WIDTH / 2 - 1, HEIGHT / 2 }, Point{ WIDTH / 2 - 2, HEIGHT / 2 } }; Direction direction = Direction::right; Point apple; int score = 0; int speed = 300; Point prevTail; #pragma endregion

#pragma region Prototype void drawSnakePart(Point); void drawSnake(); void gotoxy(int, int); void ShowConsoleCursor(bool); void move(); void drawBox(); bool isHitWall(); bool isBiteItself(); void drawHeadnTail(); void genApple(); bool isAteApple(); void growing(); void displayScore(); void showEndMenu(); void startGame(); void resetSnake(); void showStartMenu(); #pragma endregion


  • Let's the game start */ int main() { showStartMenu(); return 0; }

#pragma region GameFunction // Draw snakeboard with WIDTH and HEIGHT was set void drawBox() { for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) cout << '='; gotoxy(0, HEIGHT); for (size_t i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) cout << '='; for (size_t i = 1; i < HEIGHT; i++) { gotoxy(0, i); cout << '|'; } for (size_t i = 1; i < HEIGHT; i++) { gotoxy(WIDTH, i); cout << '|'; } }

// Check if the snake hit the wall bool isHitWall() { return snake[0].x == 0 || snake[0].y == 0 || snake[0].x == WIDTH || snake[0].y == HEIGHT; }

// Generate apple on the board void genApple() { srand(time(0)); int x = rand() % (WIDTH - 1) + 1; int y = rand() % (HEIGHT - 1) + 1; apple = { x, y, }; gotoxy(x, y); cout << APPLE; }

// Check if the snake ate apple bool isAteApple() { return snake[0].x == apple.x && snake[0].y == apple.y; }

// Show score on right side of the board void displayScore() { gotoxy(WIDTH + 5, 2); cout << "Your score: " << score; }

// Show menu at the end of the game void showEndMenu() { system("cls"); gotoxy(0, 0); cout << "End game!" << endl; cout << "Your score: " << score << endl; cout << "Do you want to play again ([y]/[n]): "; char option; cin >> option; option = tolower(option); if (option == 'y') { resetSnake(); startGame(); } else if (option == 'n') exit(1); }

void startGame() { system("cls"); ShowConsoleCursor(false);

displayScore(); while (true)
{ if (_kbhit()) { char ch = _getch(); ch = tolower(ch); if (ch == 'a' && direction != Direction::right) direction = Direction::left; else if (ch == 'w' && direction != Direction::down) direction = Direction::up; else if (ch == 's' && direction != Direction::up) direction = Direction::down; else if (ch == 'd' && direction != Direction::left) direction = Direction::right; else if (ch == 'q') // Quit game { showEndMenu(); break; } } move(); drawHeadnTail(); if (isAteApple()) { score++; displayScore(); growing(); genApple(); } if (isBiteItself()) { ShowConsoleCursor(true); showEndMenu(); break; } if (isHitWall()) { ShowConsoleCursor(true); showEndMenu(); break; } Sleep(speed);


void resetSnake() { score = 0; direction = Direction::right; snake = { Point{ WIDTH / 2 + 2, HEIGHT / 2 }, Point{ WIDTH / 2 + 1, HEIGHT / 2 }, Point{ WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2 }, Point{ WIDTH / 2 - 1, HEIGHT / 2 }, Point{ WIDTH / 2 - 2, HEIGHT / 2 } }; }

// Show at the begining of the game void showStartMenu() { system("cls"); cout << "Welcome to snake game!" << endl; cout << "Options:" << endl; cout << "1. Start" << endl; cout << "2. Quit" << endl; cout << "Your choice: "; int option; cin >> option; if (option == 1) { system("cls"); cout << "Choose your level (1 - 5): "; int t; cin >> t; speed = 600 - t * 100; // Calculate speed depend on level system("cls"); cout << "Tip: While playing game, you can press 'q' to quit"; gotoxy(0, 3); cout << "Ready!"; Sleep(1000); for (size_t i = 3; i > 0; i--) { gotoxy(0, 3); cout << i << " "; Sleep(1000); } gotoxy(0, 3); cout << "GO!"; Sleep(1000); startGame(); } else if (option == 2) exit(1); } #pragma endregion

#pragma region SnakeFunction // Draw a part of snake void drawSnakePart(Point p) { gotoxy(p.x, p.y); cout << BODY; }

// Draw whole snake void drawSnake() { for (size_t i = 0; i < snake.size(); i++) drawSnakePart(snake[i]); }

// move the snake void move() { prevTail = snake.back(); for (size_t i = snake.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) snake[i] = snake[i - 1]; if (direction == Direction::up) snake[0].y -= 1; else if (direction == Direction::down) snake[0].y += 1; else if (direction == Direction::left) snake[0].x -= 1; else if (direction == Direction::right) snake[0].x += 1; }

// Redraw head & tail to make the snake move void drawHeadnTail() { gotoxy(snake[0].x, snake[0].y); cout << BODY; gotoxy(prevTail.x, prevTail.y); cout << ' '; // Clear the old tail }

// Check if snake bite itself bool isBiteItself() { Point head = snake[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < snake.size(); i++) if (head.x == snake[i].x && head.y == snake[i].y) return true; return false; }

// Growing snake when it ate an apple void growing() { snake.push_back(prevTail); } #pragma endregion

#pragma region ConsoleFunction // Goto position (x, y) void gotoxy(int x, int y) { COORD coord; coord.X = x; coord.Y = y; SetConsoleCursorPosition( GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord ); }

// Set the visibility of cursor void ShowConsoleCursor(bool showFlag) { HANDLE out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursorInfo; GetConsoleCursorInfo(out, &cursorInfo); cursorInfo.bVisible = showFlag; SetConsoleCursorInfo(out, &cursorInfo); } #pragma endregion

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