Tag datascience

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Tìm hiểu về Data Science

Data Science là gì. Khoa học dữ liệu ≠ Khoa học thông thường: tìm tri thức từ dữ liệu (“data-driven”).

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how big is a yottabyte?

How big is a Yottabyte? Let's compare the size difference of Megabytes, Gigabytes, Terabytes, Petabytes, Exabytes, Zettabytes, and Yottabytes. . #shorts #tech #datascience

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How Netflix Utilizes Data Science and Analytics to Improve its Streaming Services

Do you recall the last Netflix movie you watched? I don't want to know the name; just think about it: Were you recommended similar movies after watching the movie? How does Netflix know what you want?

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What is the Purpose of Data Science and Its Importance

The field of data science is shrouded in mystery. Although "Data Science" has been a buzzword for some time, relatively few people know what data science is and what a data scientist actually does.

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Kafka in 100 Seconds

Apache Kafka is a distributed event streaming platform used to handle large amounts of realtime data. Learn the basics of Kafka in this quickstart tutorial. . Chat with Me on Discord.

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