Tag React

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[React JS] Sức mạnh của react-query

React-query. Chuyện xảy ra ở 1 công ty M vào 1 ngày đẹp trời, anh E H gọi thằng cu B ra bảo:.

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Server side rendering với Hydration lãng phí tài nguyên như thế nào?

Bài gốc: https://thanhle.blog/blog/server-side-rendering-voi-hydration-lang-phi-tai-nguyen-nhu-the-nao. Tại sao nên đọc bài này. Có cách để tối ưu hơn cho SSR.

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Tối ưu hoá ứng dụng React với Lazy Loading

Lazy Loading là một kỹ thuật cũ để tối ưu hoá ứng dụng web cũng như ứng dụng di động. Cách hoạt động của nó khá đơn giản - Không hiển thị đối tượng nếu chúng không được xem hoặc không được yêu cầu tại

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Chức năng dọn dẹp cho hook useEffect trong React

Chức năng dọn dẹp cho hook useEffect trong React. Hook là một tính năng mới từ React 16.

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React 18 có gì hot?

Tại sao nên đọc bài này. Có feature gì có thể tận dụng được ở React 18. . React 18 - Một version linh hoạt hơn - nhưng cũng khó hơn.

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Tuỳ Chỉnh React Component Với Styled-Components

Styled-Components là một thư viện giúp bạn tổ chức và quản lý code CSS một cách dễ dàng trong React. Nó được xây dựng với mục tiêu giữ cho các styles của các components trong React gắn liền với chính

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10 React Antipatterns to Avoid - Code This, Not That!

React is a minimal on the surface, but it’s actually a highly complex JavaScript UI library with many potential pitfalls. In this tutorial, we look at 10 antipatterns in React, along with tips and tri

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React Draggable Kanban Board

React Draggable Kanban Board. . In this video, we are going to make draggable kanban board in ReactJS. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more AWESOME videos like this.

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React Animated 3D Navigation | ReactJS SASS

React Animated 3D Navigation | ReactJS SASS. . In this video, we are going to make 3d animated navigation in ReactJS. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more AWESOME videos like this.

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React Accordion Tutorial | ReactJS SASS

React Accordion Tutorial | ReactJS SASS. . In this video, we are going to make accordion component in ReactJS. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more AWESOME videos like this.

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React Modal Tutorial 2022 | ReactJS SASS

React Modal Tutorial | ReactJS SASS. . In this video, we are going to make modal in ReactJS. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more AWESOME videos like this.

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React Loading Button With Spinner | ReactJS SASS

React Loading Button With Spinner | ReactJS SASS. . In this video, we are going to make button with loading spinner in ReactJS. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more AWESOME videos like this.

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React Animated Sidebar Indicator | ReactJS Sidebar | ReactJS SASS

React Animated Sidebar Indicator | ReactJS Sidebar | ReactJS SASS. .

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React Responsive Admin Dashboard | React Admin Panel

Responsive Admin Dashboard React | React Admin Panel. . In this video, we are going to make Responsive Admin Dashboard using React. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more AWESOME videos like this.

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How To Design Circle Progress Bar Without Plug-in In Figma

How To Design Circle Progress Bar Without Plug-in In Figma. . In this video, we will design circle progress bar in Figma. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more AWESOME video just like this one .

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Tilt Hover Effect Using Pure CSS And JavaScript | CSS Animation

Tilt Hover Effect Using Pure CSS And JavaScript | CSS Animation. .

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Pure CSS Spinner Animation | CSS Animation

Pure CSS Spinner Animation | CSS Animation. . In this video, we will make animated loader usinng HTML, CSS. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more AWESOME video just like this one .

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Responsive Ecommerce Website With 360 Degrees Product Viewer Using HTML SASS JavaScript

Responsive Ecommerce Website With 360 Degrees Product Viewer Using HTML SASS JavaScript. .

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Pure CSS Raining Cloud Animation | CSS Animation

Pure CSS Raining Cloud Animation | CSS Animation. . In this video, we will make Raining Cloud usinng HTML, CSS. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more AWESOME video just like this one .

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Pure CSS Spinner Animation | CSS Animation

Pure CSS Spinner Animation | CSS Animation. . In this video, we will make animated loader usinng HTML, CSS. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more AWESOME video just like this one .

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