Tag Fireship

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i quit using console.log in prod

I quit using JavaScript console log in production because people were making fun of me. Now I use eslint for warnings and VS Code logpoints to avoid them altogether

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7 Cryptography Concepts EVERY Developer Should Know

Cryptography is scary. In this tutorial, we get hands-on with Node.

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Make Money from your API Tutorial

Learn how to collect payments from an API or SaaS product. In this tutorial, we build an Express.js API from scratch, then make money by integrating Stripe Metered Billing. https://fireship.

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Next.js 12 is a Beast

Your first look at Next.js version 12. It's packed with awesome new features, like a rust compiler, middleware, concurrent mode, server components, and more. Full course https://fireship.

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WTF is an Abstract Syntax Tree?

Potential interview question: What is an Abstract Syntax Tree

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Python in 100 Seconds

Python is arguably the world's most popular programming language. It is easy to learn, yet suitable in professional software like web applications, data science, and server-side scripts.

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PHP in 100 Seconds

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a scripting language for building dynamic websites on the server. It remains one of the most popular programming languages in the world, powering tools like Wordpress, La

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Ultimate Tailwind CSS Tutorial // Build a Discord-inspired Animated Navbar

Learn the basics of Tailwind CSS by building a Discord-inspired navbar from scratch. Learn how to leverage utility classes to build responsive animated UI elements faster https://fireship.

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Auth0 in 100 Seconds // And beyond with a Next.js Authentication Tutorial

Auth0 is Authentication-as-a-Service used to manage the front door to your application. It provides drop-in user auth solutions that look great on any frontend app, and integrate with any backend serv

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It works on localhost

Create an HTTP tunnel to share your localhost server on the internet via HTTPS with an SSL certificate using tunnels. . CloudFlare Tunnels https://developers.cloudflare.

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Dart in 100 Seconds

Dart is high-productivity statically-typed programming language capable of targeting multiple platforms. It's used by Flutter to produce fast client apps with an awesome developer experience.

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Rust in 100 Seconds

Rust is a memory-safe compiled programming language for building high-performance systems. It has the simplicity of high-level languages (Go, Python), but the control of low-level languages (C, Cpp) h

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Go in 100 Seconds

Learn the basics of the Go Programming Language. Go (not Golang) was developed at Google as a modern version of C for high-performance server-side applications.

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React Native vs Flutter - I built the same chat app with both

A side-by-side comparison of React Native and Flutter. I built a mobile chat app with both frameworks to understand differences in developer experience, tooling, code, and performance.

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React Native in 100 Seconds

React Native allows developers to build cross-platform apps for iOS, Android, and the Web from a single JavaScript codebase. Get started building your first native mobile app with React Native.

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Solidity in 100 Seconds

Solidity is a programming language for writing smart contracts. Learn how to build your first smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain to get started with web3 decentralized applications.

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How to OVER Engineer a Website // What is a Tech Stack?

A "tech stack" includes all the technologies used to build a complete web or mobile application - like frameworks, cloud services, libraries, languages, and APIs. Let’s over-engineer a tech stack for

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D3.js in 100 Seconds

Data-Driven Documents or D3 is a JavaScript library for drawing SVGs with data. It's the magic behind many of the graphs, charts, and other data visualizations you see on the web today.

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Content Platforms Explained in 100 Seconds // Build your own with Sanity

Sanity.io https://bit.

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How to "Google It" like a Senior Software Engineer

They say a Software Engineer is just a “professional google searcher” and that is 100% accurate. Learn how to use Google like a 10x developer to get the information you need faster.

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Springy Animated Modals // Framer Motion & React Tutorial for Beginners

Create amazing animations in React with Framer Motion. In this tutorial, we build an interactive modal window from scratch and customize its spring animations.

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