Tag Ecommerce

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Đã có MySQL tại sao chúng ta cần MongoDB? Cách giải quyết DỮ LIỆU siêu lớn MongoDB | 12 Patterns (1)

Video được đăng tại channel Tips Javascript

0 0 13

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Build A Responsive Website From Scratch with HTML CSS and JavaScript | Shoes Shop Homepage

Welcome back friends. In this video, we are going to Build A Responsive Website From Scratch with HTML CSS and JavaScript. . Please support me by LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE, thank you.

0 0 19

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Api-gateway vs load balancing cách tối ưu hệ thống eCommerce | Systems Architecture | #22

Video được đăng tại channel Tips Javascript

0 0 14

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Load Balancers giải thích 5 thuật toán bằng hình ảnh và cùng nhau vào dự án lớn | architecture notes

Video được đăng tại channel Tips Javascript

0 0 17

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Deploy Full Stack App to Vercel | React Nodejs Express Mongo | MERN Tutorial

Hello friends. In this video, we are going to Deploy Full Stack MERN App to Vercel. . Don't forget to click the like button and share the video with your friends if you found the video useful.

0 0 40

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Part 2 | Full Stack Responsive Movie Website | MERN Project

Hello friends. In this video, we continue build Fullstack Responsive Movie Website with MERN stack and Themoviedb. You can watch Part 1 here https://youtu.be/j-Sn1b4OlLA.

0 0 25

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Part 1 | Full Stack Responsive Movie Website | MERN Project

Hello friends. In this video, we are going to build Fullstack Responsive Movie Website with MERN stack and Themoviedb. . What are the features of this project.

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Nếu sử dụng MySQL thiết kế model Products thì đồng nghiệp tôi đã làm cách này hiệu quả ngang Mongodb

Video được đăng tại channel Tips Javascript

0 0 15

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React Draggable List Component | React Drag And Drop | ReactJS Tutorial

React Draggable List Component | React Drag And Drop | ReactJS Tutorial. . In this video, we will List Component with items that can be drag and drop. .

0 0 56

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React Ecommerce Web Shop | Part 03 - Shopping cart | ReactJS SASS

React Ecommerce Web Shop | Part 03 - Shopping cart | ReactJS SASS. . In this video, we will Build React Ecommerce Web Shop with SASS. .

0 0 163

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React Ecommerce Web Shop | Part 02 - Catalog and Product page| ReactJS SASS

React Ecommerce Web Shop | Part 02 - Catalog page and Product page| ReactJS SASS. . In this video, we will Build React Ecommerce Web Shop with SASS. .

0 0 102

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React Ecommerce Web Shop | Part 01 - Homepage | ReactJS SASS

React Ecommerce Web Shop | Part 01 - Homepage | ReactJS SASS. . In this video, we will Build React Ecommerce Web Shop Homepage with SASS. .

0 0 406

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Design Website with Figma and Smart Animation | Swimwear Website Design

Design Website with Figma and Smart Animation | Swimwear Website Design. . In this video, we will Design Website with Figma. .

0 0 127

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Build React Admin Dashboard with Multiple Themes | React Admin Panel CSS | ReactJS

Build React Admin Dashboard with Multiple Themes | React Admin Panel CSS | ReactJS. . In this video, we will Build React Admin Dashboard with Multiple Themes. .

0 0 189

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How To Make Ecommerce Website Using HTML CSS & JavaScript | Bicycle Website

How To Make Ecommerce Website Using HTML CSS & JavaScript | Bicycle Website. . In this video, we will Make Bicycle Ecommerce Website Using HTML CSS & JavaScript. .

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