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Paper reading | Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Visual Recognition

Đóng góp của bài báo. Bài báo đề xuất kiến trúc High-Resolution Net (HRNet) là một kiến trúc mạng nơ-ron sâu được phát triển cho các ứng dụng trong lĩnh vực thị giác máy tính, đặc biệt là trong bài to

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Fast-Track Your App Launch with Rapid Mobile App Development

Do you wish to create­ your own app? Or, perhaps you run a business and are thinking about a customize­d app. Whatever your situation, time matte­rs.

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Riverpod Crash Course #8 - Updating State

In this Riverpod tutorial series, you'll learn how to use Riverpod providers to manage state in Flutter applications. https://netninja.dev/. .

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Riverpod Crash Course #7 - Notifier Providers

In this Riverpod tutorial series, you'll learn how to use Riverpod providers to manage state in Flutter applications. https://netninja.dev/. .

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Riverpod Crash Course #6 - Generated Providers

In this Riverpod tutorial series, you'll learn how to use Riverpod providers to manage state in Flutter applications. https://netninja.dev/. .

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Riverpod Crash Course #2 - Setup & Installing Riverpod

In this Riverpod tutorial series, you'll learn how to use Riverpod providers to manage state in Flutter applications. https://netninja.dev/. .

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Build a Platformer with Godot #8 - Finishing Up

In this Godot tutorial, you'll learn how to make a platforming game from scratch. https://netninja.dev/p/build-a-platformer-with-godot. .

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Build a Platformer with Godot #7 - Bee Enemy Movement

In this Godot tutorial, you'll learn how to make a platforming game from scratch. https://netninja.dev/p/build-a-platformer-with-godot. .

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Build a Platformer with Godot #4 - Player Gun

In this Godot tutorial, you'll learn how to make a platforming game from scratch. https://netninja.dev/p/build-a-platformer-with-godot. .

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Flutter Crash Course #16 - Stateful Widgets

In this Flutter Crash Course tutorial series, you'll learn how to make Flutter applications from scratch. https://netninja.dev/p/flutter-masterclass. .

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Flutter Crash Course #14 - Expanded Widget

In this Flutter Crash Course tutorial series, you'll learn how to make Flutter applications from scratch. https://netninja.dev/p/flutter-masterclass. .

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Flutter Crash Course #13 - Images

In this Flutter Crash Course tutorial series, you'll learn how to make Flutter applications from scratch. https://netninja.dev/p/flutter-masterclass. .

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Chém gió trước khi "bỉm sữa" 🤣

Các bạn sắp xếp thời gian vào giao lưu cùng mình nhé ❤️. . ----. Easy Frontend - Code xịn hơn mỗi ngày.

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Flutter Crash Course #11 - Columns

In this Flutter Crash Course tutorial series, you'll learn how to make Flutter applications from scratch. https://netninja.dev/p/flutter-masterclass. .

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Flutter Crash Course #10 - Imports & Quick Refactor

In this Flutter Crash Course tutorial series, you'll learn how to make Flutter applications from scratch. https://netninja.dev/p/flutter-masterclass. .

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Neuralink full send... Elon's brain chips actually work on humans

Neuralink recently demonstrated the results of a brainchip installed in their first human patient. Learn how the Neuralink N1 is installed and how it reads brainwaves to perform actions entirely from

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Flutter Crash Course #9 - Containers

In this Flutter Crash Course tutorial series, you'll learn how to make Flutter applications from scratch. https://netninja.dev/p/flutter-masterclass. .

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Bật mí các kế hoạch và ưu đãi của mình trong năm 2024 ✨

Bật mí các kế hoạch và ưu đãi của mình trong năm 2024. Trợ lý của mình Zalo: 0374416015. . ------ Tham khảo các khóa học của mình:.

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Flutter Crash Course #4 - Making a New Flutter Project

In this flutter tutorial series, you'll learn how to make mobile apps with flutter, from scratch. https://netninja.dev/p/flutter-masterclass. .

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Claude 3 just destroyed GPT-4 and Gemini... AGI is near?

Let's take a first look at Claude 3, the latest LLM from Anthropic and see how it compares to GPT-4 and Gemini Ultra. Is Claude Opus the best AI tool for writing code. . Chat with Me on Discord.

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Quy trình backend đăng ký Shop và các thao tác send Token Email, verify Token | Kiến Trúc ShopDEV

Video được đăng tại channel Tips Javascript

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