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What's new for the web platform | Keynote

Fast approaching 5 billion users, the web platform has seen tremendous growth and innovation in the past year! Web developers around the world have come together, building vital experiences for everyo

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Practical intro to WebAssembly (Ukrainian with English subtitles)

Switch on/off English subtitles by clicking on the CC icon. . wasm-bindgen guide: https://goo.gle/2Re6kbl .

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Is Supabase Legit? Firebase Alternative Breakdown

Supabase is a new open-source "Firebase Alternative". Let's compare features, pricing, and the developer experience to see how Supabase stacks up to Firebase https://fireship.io. .

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CSS Flip card Hover Effect with HTML CSS

CSS Flip card Hover Effect with HTML CSS. Công cụ, tài nguyên. - Theme: Dracula Official. - Font chữ: SF Mono, 14px.

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Next.js & Identity (auth) Tutorial #10 - Client Side Content Guard

Hey gang, in this Next.js tutorial we'll put a client-side content guard in place to protect content intended only for authenticated users. https://netninja.dev/p/next-js-with-netlify-identity.

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Hiểu về Android Service: LayoutInflater

Trong bài viết này mình muốn chia sẻ với các bạn về LayoutInflater, 1 trong những Service quan trọng của Android. View view = new View(context);. . như thế này.

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Thiết Kế RESTful API + Gọi API Bằng HttpClient Trong ASP.NET

Giới Thiệu. RESTful API là một tiêu chuẩn được sử dụng trong việc thiết kế API cho các phần mềm, ứng dụng và dịch vụ web để tạo sự thuận tiện cho việc quản lý các resource.

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Awesome menu hover effect with HTML CSS

Awesome menu hover effect with HTML CSS. Tools, resources. - Theme: Dracula Official. - Font: SF Mono, 14px.

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Next.js & Identity (auth) Tutorial #9 - Netlify Functions with Identity

Hey gang, in this tutorial we'll see how netlify functions and netlify identity can work together, so that we can restrict access to data to users not authenticated. https://netninja.

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Next.js & Identity (auth) Tutorial #8 - Netlify Dev

Hey gang, in this Next.js & Netlify tutorial we'll explore netlify dev using the netlify CLI. This will allow us to test our serverless functions locally. https://netninja.

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Introduction to Google Cloud AutoML Vision

With the rapid development of technology, a Data Scientist could achieve their job like training ML models faster. The Word "AutoML"(also known as Automated machine learning) comes and now plays a cru

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Keycloak Secure any application

In life, there are many problems posed to the software industry . But most of the software that we create has a security and decentralization mechanism and user management.

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Học Laravel Offline - Demo website bán hoa

Học Laravel Offline - Demo website bán hoa. . Facebook: https://www.facebook.

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Một Vài điều suy nghĩ về API GateWay

Trong bất kì một hệ thống sử dụng mô hình microservice nào đều có 1 cánh cổng thần kì =)). Đó là API GATEWAY.

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Bạn có quá nhiều sự lựa chọn

Tưởng tượng nè. Mình không biết, bạn là bạn mà? ¯_(ツ)_/¯. Nhưng bạn có thể đọc qua bài này, rồi quyết định xem thích dùng gì. ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

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[Git] Phần 2: Thao tác cơ bản với Git

Các thao tác với git khi tham gia dự án. Clone dự án về local. Git clone <url_repository >. .

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Sass in 100 Seconds

Learn the basics of Sass (SCSS) or syntactically awesome stylesheets. Sass is a language and complier the can make your CSS code more efficient and programmatic https://fireship.io/tags/css/. .

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Hướng dẫn tạo Gmail API App

Đầu tiên truy cập vào link https://console.developers.google.com/.

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Next.js & Identity (auth) Tutorial #7 - Netlify Functions

Hey gang, in this tutorial we'll learn how to use a Netlify function to authenticate a user's request for site data. Netlify functions are cloud functions that can be triggered using an endpoint or ot

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Google’s new No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA

1. Khái niệm.

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Anti-tracking: What you need to know

As a web community, we’re all always looking for ways to raise the bar on privacy while enabling a healthy web ecosystem. Join the Google Chrome team to understand how privacy is about to change for t

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