Tag 100SecondsOfCode
Tìm kiếm bài viết trong Tag 100SecondsOfCode
PyTorch in 100 Seconds
PyTorch is a deep learning framework for used to build artificial intelligence software with Python. Learn how to build a basic neural network from scratch with PyTorch 2. . Chat with Me on Discord.
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FFmpeg in 100 Seconds
FFmpeg is a legendary multimedia processing tool used to edit audio and video files programmatically. It can covert and transform over 100 different codecs and is integrated into many applications und
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Neovim in 100 Seconds
Neovim is a fork of the keyboard-based text editor Vim. It is focused on extensibility and integrates the Lua programming language for easier scripting. . Chat with Me on Discord.
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Unreal in 100 Seconds
Unreal engine is a collection of developer tools for building interactive 3D games, simulations, and visualizations. It provides a powerful visual editor and scripting language called blueprint to sim
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Neo4j in 100 Seconds
Neo4j is a native graph database designed to handle highly complex relational data. Learn the basics of graph data modeling and the Cypher Query Language https://bit.ly/3Jcl6bO. .
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Kafka in 100 Seconds
Apache Kafka is a distributed event streaming platform used to handle large amounts of realtime data. Learn the basics of Kafka in this quickstart tutorial. . Chat with Me on Discord.
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Arduino in 100 Seconds
Arduino is a programmable circuit board that makes it possible for the average developer to build custom hardware products. Learn about Arduino's architecture, microcontroller, programming language, a
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Supabase in 100 Seconds
Supabase is the open-source Firebase alternative that features an impressive collection of tools like PostgreSQL, user authentication, serverless edge functions, and more. .
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Nim in 100 Seconds
Nim is a general-purpose programming language known for its python-like syntax and ability to compile to multiple languages like C, C++, and JavaScript. Learn the fundamentals of Nim in this quick tut
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Godot in 100 Seconds
Godot is a popular open source engine for building 2D and 3D games. It is similar to Unity in many ways, but is lightweight (35Mb) and provides it's own custom scripting language called GDScript.
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Lisp in 100 Seconds
Lisp is world’s second high-level programming language and is still used to build software today. It was the first to implement many popular programming techniques like higher-order functions, recursi
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Laravel in 100 Seconds
Laravel is a popular fullstack MVC framework for building web apps with PHP. Learn the fundamentals of Laravel and find out why web developers love it. . Resources.
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SurrealDB in 100 Seconds
SurrealDB is a "NewSQL" multi-model database with an impressive list of features from popular relational, graph, and document paradigms. Its query language is based on SQL, but does not rely on JOINs
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RabbitMQ in 100 Seconds
RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker often used for communication between microservices in the cloud. Learn how to build your own message queue with RabbitMQ in docker. . Resources.
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Blazor in 100 Seconds
Blazor is a framework that can build frontend web applications with HTML, CSS, and C#. It leverages web assembly to eliminate JavaScript from the usual client-side tech stack. . Resources.
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Hugo in 100 Seconds
Hugo is an extremely fast static site generator for building websites with markdown. It is written in the Go programming language and provides a large collection of content management tools for develo
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TensorFlow in 100 Seconds
TensorFlow is a tool for machine learning capable of building deep neural networks with high-level Python code. It provides developer-friendly APIs that help software engineers train, analyze, and dep
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TempleOS in 100 Seconds
TempleOS is an open-source 64-bit operating system created by Terry Davis and designed to be the Third Temple prophesied by the Bible. It is one of the most complex software engineering projects ever
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gzip file compression in 100 Seconds
Gzip is a file compression tool and popular Linux utility used to make files smaller. Learn how file compression works in 100 seconds. . Resources.
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Storybook in 100 Seconds
Storybook is a tool used for testing UI components in isolation that works with JS frameworks like React, Angular, Vue, and Svelte. It is especially useful for web developers building design systems a
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FORTRAN in 100 Seconds
Fortran is the world's first high-level procedural programming language developed at IBM in the 1950's. It made programming accessible to the average human and is still used today for scientific compu
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