Tag Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Tìm kiếm bài viết trong Tag Amazon Web Services (AWS)

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Setup apache Superset trên AWS EC2 (ubuntu)

Hướng dẫn chi tiết cài đặt Apache Superset trên máy ảo ubuntu EC2 (AWS). Apache SuperSet là một công cụ trực quan hóa dữ liệu Nguồn mở có thể được sử dụng để biểu diễn dữ liệu bằng đồ họa.

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What to do when facing a DDoS attack in AWS hosted application ?

1.The consideration. Somedays, when your application suddenly becomes slow. Finally you get an 502 error.

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Kinh nghiệm thi chứng chỉ AWS Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03

Bài viết chia sẻ quá trình ôn tập cho kỳ thi AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate phiên bản SAA-03 - 1 trong 3 kỳ thi của AWS cho cấp độ Associate. việc đi xa hơn trên "hành trình trên mây".

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Awesome EventBridge 🚀

. . Awesome EventBridge . A handy list of resources for getting up to speed on events, patterns, and using Amazon EventBridge. .

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Awesome DynamoDB 🚀

. . Awesome DynamoDB . A handy list of resources for getting up to speed on modeling, operating, and using Amazon DynamoDB. Table of Contents.

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🌎 Awesome Event Patterns

Awesome Event Patterns. . . Collection of links, videos and things to help with your event-driven architecture event design and patterns.

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Kinh nghiệm thi chứng chỉ AWS Certified Developer - Associate (2022)

Sau khi có được chứng chỉ AWS Solutions Architect - Associate bạn có thể chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi thứ 2 là Developer - Associate nếu role của bạn hiện tài là Developer và hướng phát triển thiên về Dev hoặc

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Tạo dịch vụ Fargate với bộ cân bằng tải ứng dụng bằng AWS CDK

TL;DR Talk is cheap. Show me the code. Tạo AWS VPC. Trước khi có thể bắt đầu xây dựng dịch vụ Fargate của mình, chúng ta cần thiết lập một Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

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Install AWS, kubectl & eksctl CLI's

Step-00: Introduction. . Install AWS CLI. Install kubectl CLI.

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Create EKS Cluster & Node Groups

Step-00: Introduction. . Understand about EKS Core Objects. .

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EKS Cluster Pricing

Step-01: Very Important EKS Pricing Note. . EKS is not free (Unlike other AWS Services). In short, no free-tier for EKS.

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EKS Storage with EBS - Elastic Block Store

Step-01: Introduction. . Create IAM Policy for EBS. Associate IAM Policy to Worker Node IAM Role.

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Phân tích Kết quả Scan lỗ hổng bảo mật Docker trên AWS

Bất chợt một ngày, bạn nhận ra Image hiện tại của mình đang bị Amazon ECR Basic Scan tìm ra một loạt các lỗ hổng bảo mật : 1 CRITICAL, 8 HIGH... 1 Các khái niệm cần biết trước khi đọc bài. .

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Migrating Magento® eCommerce Platform to AWS

Abstract. Adopting AWS for the Magento e-commerce software platform presents many benefits such as increased business agility, flexibility, and reduced costs.

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Oracle Commerce Lift-and-Shift to AWS

Legacy ecommerce websites face cost, elasticity, availability, and scalability challenges on-premises. Lift-and-shift to Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a relatively painless first step toward modernizat

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Guidance for Web Store on AWS

The architecture describes a pattern to build a headless e-commerce web application, using the native services offered by AWS to implement core capabilities – including search, personalization, market

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Optimize content delivery for mobile devices with Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront lets you securely deliver data, videos, applications, and APIs to your global customers with low latency and high transfer speeds. In today’s digital-first world with a worldwide cus

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AWS Bookstore

AWS Bookstore Demo App is a full-stack sample web application that creates a storefront (and backend) for customers to shop for fictitious books. The entire application can be created with a single Cl

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Amplify to API Gateway with Cognito

Create an Amplify frontend that calls Amazon API Gateway using Cognito. This pattern explains how to deploy an AWS SAM application that includes an AWS Amplify frontend, Cognito, API Gateway and Lambd

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Amazon API Gateway integration with AWS WAF

Create an Amazon API Gateway integration with AWS WAF. This pattern in CDK offers a example to generate an Amazon API Gateway with a greedy proxy ("{proxy+}") and "ANY" method from the specified path.

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Amazon API Gateway with an API Key

Create a REST API Gateway with an API Key associated with a Usage Plan. The GET method of this REST API is configured to require an API Key associated with the Usage Plan.

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