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New in Chrome 119: Cookies expiration limit updated, CSS updates, & fenced frames improvements!

Chrome 119 is rolling out now! with an update to the expiration date upper limit for cookies already in storage. CSS has new pseudo classes, relative color syntax and more fenced frames added improvem

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Chrome Extensions: Learning the basics, AI and more with Matt Frisbie

Hear from Google Developer Expert and author of the book Building Browser Extensions, Matt Frisbie, alongside Developer Relations Engineers Oliver Dunk and Patrick Kettner as they discuss the state of

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Full - Khoá học lập trình web Python Django cơ bản

Học Django nâng cao: https://zendvn.com/lap-trinh-web-python-voi-django-framework. Học Django 1 kèm 1: https://zendvn.com/lap-trinh-web-python-voi-django-framework-1-kem-1.

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Robot nice model #suntechacademy #hoclaptrinhmienphi #hoclaptrinh

Video được đăng tại channel SUNTECH ACADEMY

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AsiaHunter - Bot Forex chất nhất 2023 chỉ đánh JPY

Asia Hunter - Một bot Forex có độ an toàn tuyệt với max draw down dưới 3% với lợi nhuận đều +1.5% hàng tháng. Chỉ chạy với cặp JPY

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Thực chiến Frontend - Project Blog - 06 Admin Management Articles

Source & Template: https://github.com/luutruonghailan/hoc-lap-trinh-online-zendvn/tree/master/share-code/nvlinh/thuc-chien-frontend-project-blog. . Website: www.

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Array grouping - New in Chrome 117

In programming, array grouping is an extremely common operation, seen most often when we use SQL's GROUP BY clause and MapReduce programming (which is better thought of as map-group-reduce)

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Lập trình viên LƯƠNG CAO? Ai hỏi như vậy vui lòng đưa họ video này?

Video được đăng tại channel Tips Javascript

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New in Chrome 117: CSS for smooth entry & exit animations, array group, streamlined local overrides

Chrome 117 is rolling out now! With three new CSS features that make it easy to add smooth entry and exit animations, array grouping to compute higher order datasets, devtools makes local overrides ea

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Why do I have layout shift?

In this episode we're shifting the topic to layout shift, that moment where you watch the page adapt to something lazily loaded which has impacted the layout in some way where you see content shift ar

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Scroll-driven animations

Latest episode → https://goo.gle/44lufpn . . GUI Snippets → https://goo.

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Cấu trúc cơ bản của một website - ASP.Net core 7.0

Cấu trúc cơ bản của một website - ASP.Net core 7.0

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What's your trick for remembering margin collapse?

Watch the full video → https://goo.gle/3KHjFC1. Link to podcast → https://goo.gle/3DONyMT.

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#Javascript cơ bản - Bài 19: Kiểu dữ liệu Symbol trong JavaScript |#Kteam​ #Howkteam

Trong bài này, Kteam sẽ giới thiệu đến bạn một trong 7 loại kiểu dữ liệu “nguyên thủy” đó chính là symbol. Kiểu dữ liệu này có đôi phần mới lạ so với các kiểu dữ liệu trước đó

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#Javascript cơ bản - Bài 13: Template literals, Number-String trong JavaScript |#Kteam​ #Howkteam

Ở bài này, các bạn sẽ được mở rộng hơn kiến thức của mình về chuỗi với #Template_literals trong JavaScrip cũng như tìm hiểu về mối liên hệ giữa #Number-String và #Number. - Biên soạn: Nông Thanh

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What's new in Web - American Sign Language

To watch this Session without American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation, please click here → https://goo.gle/IO23_webkey.

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Advanced Web APIs in real world apps

Explore how a number of partners use advanced web APIs like file system access, file handling, eyedropper, local font access, and more in their real world apps. The focus is not so much on the technic

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Debugging modern web applications

Developers use frameworks, multiple languages, and libraries to build their web applications. Browsers only see the resulting JS+HTML+CSS outputs though.

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Vercel dropped a database and leaked new Next.js features

Vercel just introduced 4 new storage products, including a serverless Postgres database, a durable Redis store, and file uploads with CloudFlare R2. They also leaked some details about a new server ac

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Luyện lập trình qua các đoạn code ngắn - Python - Câu 26

Website: www.zendvn.com. Học lập trình offline ở Hồ Chí Minh: https://zendvn.

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Solid JS Tutorial #15 - Context (part 2)

Get early access to this entire course now on Net Ninja Pro:. https://netninja.dev/p/solid-js-tutorial. .

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